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Re: ROS: catkin and ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

Hello Jochen,

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 09:36:57PM +0200, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:
> sorry for not answering earlier.

well, many thanks for answering at all :-)

> > Compiling works fine, but the catkin tools do not set the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
> > anymore.
> Oups, that shouldn't happen. I added a small patch to remove the default
> iclude dirs in catkin 0.7.14-3 and uploaded new upstream version of a number
> of packages. As I will be busy this week, could you do me favour and try to
> find which change introduced the break? You can install old package versions
> from https://snapshots.debian.org, easily.

Okay, i would like to help and actually find the reason why it doesn't work,
but until now i haven't been successful, i'm sorry.

What i've tried to do is to install older catkin and python-catkin-pkg from
snapshots.debian.org  at some point it gets tricky because of the dependencies.

But i managed to install all versions from catkin-0.7.11 to catkin-0.7.14-3 and
run the build process again.

I've tried a few times to compile and run my usual workspace: desktop+moveit and
on top universal_robot, etc and a new workspace with just some very simple
package with no dependencies.

I've always deleted the build, install and devel directories before a new build.
But i haven't had any luck with any of these older packages.

As you can read in the other message of this thread, i read a bit more about
catkin and think everything should work without the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Am i
right? If so, maybe the catkin package isn't the problem. But the rospack and
roslaunch packages or the python-rospkg are involved. But this is more an
uneducated guess.

I wonder if this whole thing it not related to changes in the last days but a
bit older or has to to with difference in testing and unstable.

I switched from testing(buster) to unstable because i couldn't compile all the
stuff and the new packages you uploaded are coming to testing only every few
weeks. It's actually a bad idea to use debian testing for this purpose.

After switching most things went very well. I also switched to the melodic distro
for all the missing packages and it works very well. Much less fiddling in the
code to get it compiling. It could be that at this point it already didn't
work anymore but i simply didn't realise.

For now the workaround could be to just set the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH by hand. But it
feels wrong.

What could be the next step?

BTW: is there any reason why the catkin-tools are not yet packaged? They seem
useful and modern to me. At least "catkin config" is much more informative about
what actually is going on. And many tutorials and answers at ros.org refer to

Best regards,

Jörg (j@corsario.org)
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