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Re: Sundials is way outdated

Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> writes:

> I tried to merge master_optional_stuff_enabled branch into master
> but this does not build since
>   Package PETSc was not found in the pkg-config search path.

This should work in general, and I don't know where you see this error.
The Build-dep: libpetsc3.7-dev should be satisfied, and this should then
work. BUT apparently this package is currently uninstallable because of
a missing dependency. I just filed a bug. It was working for me outside
of sbuild because I already had the dep installed from before.

>> "the ones that are already in Debian" means that some optional things
>> use libraries that aren't in Debian, so I'm not turning those on.
> So is there something restricting the features of sundials and should
> we package this?

It's probably fine, but I'd really like somebody who actually uses the
library to check it.

>> Also, I just pushed a patch into master_optional_stuff_enabled to turn
>> on libhypre support as well.
> I'd be more happy if we work on a full features master branch that
> would be a release candidate.

Merged everything into master.

Note that there's another out-standing issue: the DSOs have RUNPATH tags
in them. Those probably need to be removed. I haven't yet checked to see
if they're important and if we need to do more than just pull them out.

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