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Re: RFM: transition of flint


Le vendredi 04 sept. 2015 à 20:57:33 (+0200), Tobias Hansen a écrit :
> I don't know. Building flint 2.4.5-4 took 14 minutes on a i386 buildd
> and when I built this package (2.5.2) on amd64 (in parallel) it also
> took just 12 minutes. Either they added a new test that is really slow
> only on 32 bit or there is a bug.

Hmmmm... bad. If I get nothing tomorrow morning, I'll decide it's stuck
and notify upstream.
> You could always ask for a give-back [1] to see if it works then. If the
> test suite has an option to disable the longest tests you could also use
> that.

As I said above, if my i386 box isn't finished tomorrow, I'll consider
the issue serious enough to notify upstream. In that case we might even
take 2.5.2-1 down and wait for the next upstream.


Snark on #debian-science

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