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Re: RFM: transition of flint

Am 04.09.2015 um 20:33 schrieb Julien Puydt:
> Hi,
> Le vendredi 04 sept. 2015 à 11:17:31 (-0400), Aaron M. Ucko a écrit :
>> Right, the timeout varies by architecture, being longer on those that
>> are generally slower.  The good news is that it resets on any output to
>> stdout (or stderr, I think), so adjusting the tests to print progress
>> indicators every so often should let the build proceed.  (The timeout is
>> meant to catch outright hangs, which do sometimes happen.)
> What follows is assuming the timeouts are not due to a real hang (I still
> have a pbuilder running to see which it is).
> I'll ask upstream if it's possible to get a more vivid output ; but that
> will only help a future version (if they accept, that is).
> For the current version, is there a way to declare a package needs more
> time for its tests?
> Thanks,
> Snark on #debian-science

I don't know. Building flint 2.4.5-4 took 14 minutes on a i386 buildd
and when I built this package (2.5.2) on amd64 (in parallel) it also
took just 12 minutes. Either they added a new test that is really slow
only on 32 bit or there is a bug.

You could always ask for a give-back [1] to see if it works then. If the
test suite has an option to disable the longest tests you could also use

[1] https://release.debian.org/wanna-build.txt


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