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Re: Choose between TeXmacs and Auctex


I agree with the previous e-mails and I think that the combination of LaTeX + emacs is, in the long term, the best choice.

  1. Formula editing is very efficient, I can even carry out my
     deduction lively (and embedding CAS session, e.g. maxima).

I am a regular user of scientific free software, especially Octave and
Maxima. In addition to specific modes for these programs, Emacs allows
you to embed them, using it's own buffer. You can also edit a Maxima or
Octave script and send the contents of the buffer (or a region,
current line, etc.) to the embedded  session, that will display the

In those cases I want to do a serious job, I don't choose TeXmacs or
any other specific point and click user interface. I prefer use the
programs within Emacs, which once again allows me to focus my attention
on what is important and let my fingers do the rest of the work.

If you are a maxima user, you can also pretty-print the result, using
emaxima.sty (in maxima-emacs Debian package) or imaxima [1]
(not packaged,  AFAIK, and not used by me since time ago).


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