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Re: How much interest in a "debian-science.org" repository?

On Thu, 20 Jul 2006, Christian T. Steigies wrote:

Ah, I mixed that up with non-US where you had to use a separate upload
queue. non-free is mentioned in the control file, so it should be fine.
I started the build on m68k and it hasn't failed yet, with a little luck it
will be ready tomorrow.

I saw that the m68k package went in this morning. Thanks! Now a question. How did you upload the ported package? I tried yesterday with a mips package but I have not received any confirmation of it being installed or rejected.

Here is what I did following directions from the documentation:

1. build on a mips machine using the -B option (I used pbuilder with a sid chroot)

2. sign the *.changes file

3. use dput to upload the *.changes and *.deb files to ftp-master

I am not so sure about step 3 because there is nothing explicit about where to upload ports in the documentation I found. Does the ported binary need to be manually accepted? I thought not because the source package is already in the archive?



Carlo U. Segre -- Professor of Physics
Associate Dean for Special Projects, Graduate College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Voice: 312.567.3498            Fax: 312.567.3494
Carlo.Segre@iit.edu    http://www.iit.edu/~segre

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