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Re: Intend to update gnome-authenticator 3.32.2 to 4.3.1

On 14.09.23 14:11, Axel Kittenberger wrote:

Libadwaita-sys is in experimental. I am blocked currently as the newer crates need rustc 1.70 which should land until next week.

Thanks for the reply, I'm exalted at the responsiveness here! :)

I'll just give it a wait then, no hurry here, I'd like the new version of that gnome app to make it into trixie and given bookworm just hit it I guess there is still a long way to go before trixie freezes.

- Axel

Once rustc 1.70 hits the mirrors I can finish my update of gtk-rs including libadwaita. I'd suggest you can take a look at oo7, scrypt, aes-gcm and search-provider in the meantime as those are all dependencies of

authenticator not yet in debian. https://blog.hackeriet.no/packaging-a-rust-project-for-debian/ should give you an introduction how our packaging process works. Feel free to ask also on the #debian-rust IRC OFTC channel if any questions arise.

Matthias Geiger (werdahias)
Debian Maintainer
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden" -- Rosa Luxemburg

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