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Re: ruby-cssminify

Dear Klaumi,

Le Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 01:22:50AM +0100, Klaumi Klingsporn a écrit :

> The groups email remains the old one at alioth.org?

For now, yes. These emails are transfered to the corresponding list on
alioth-lists.debian.net, and this is the address used for the team on
the Debian package tracker :

When alioth was about to disappear, there was a discussion on the list
about it 
at the time, there was no way to create a team address on
tracker.debian.org, but things may have changed.

> > A more general question is 'how does it compare to
> > ruby-cssmin?' which seems to have exactly the same role
> > (and no dependency to!). It is a very naive question, as
> > I have dived too much in the difference between the two.
> A asked me the same question a while ago. And I have no
> answer beside the "as native ruby port" from the package
> description. I also looked into webgen, if there was an easy
> way to replace the dependency from cssminify or change it to
> ruby-cssmin, but I found none. So I decided to package it.

Ok! Sometimes, it is much easier to package the dependency than trying
to adapt existing code to use something else. I was just curious :)



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