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Re: ruby-cssminify

Am / On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 23:57:33 +0100
schrieb / wrote Cédric Boutillier <boutil@debian.org>:

> Your package looks fine. Just a couple of minor details:

Hi Cédric,

I followed your advices and updated the package. 

I'll try to transfer the repo into the groups namespace at
salsa on Friday (it's too late now and tomorrow is Radio
Day, sometimes you've to work for money ;-) )

Only one question:
> - the (new) name of the team is "Debian Ruby Team" and
> not "Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers"

The groups email remains the old one at alioth.org?
> A more general question is 'how does it compare to
> ruby-cssmin?' which seems to have exactly the same role
> (and no dependency to!). It is a very naive question, as
> I have dived too much in the difference between the two.

A asked me the same question a while ago. And I have no
answer beside the "as native ruby port" from the package
description. I also looked into webgen, if there was an easy
way to replace the dependency from cssminify or change it to
ruby-cssmin, but I found none. So I decided to package it.

Thanks for your supervision!


Klaumi Klingsporn
mail: klaumikli@gmx.de
web: www.klaumikli.de

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