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Meetup proposal during Debian Ruby Sprint in Paris


I'm one of the organizer of the paris.rb meetup. We have around 1,2k
members, are gathering on a monthly basis for (free) ruby talks and a lot of
us are using Debian servers to make our ruby applications run. I also
have been using Debian since i got the opporunity to approach a
GNU/Linux system (around 10 years).

We've recently discovered with joy and pride that some (most/all?) of
the Ruby Debian developpers would be hacking in Paris during January.
We would really enjoy organizing a special meetup event around debian
and ruby if some of the awesome debian's ruby developpers had some
time to give a few talks and/or answer questions from the community.
We've been consulting the community for questions or interests about
specific debian-ruby talks and we had some great feedback and ideas i
would be very happy to share with you.

If you find a few free hours to share with us, please let me know and
i will take care of all the arrangements (meetup announce, location,
etc.) In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions, i would be
pleased to provide you with any piece of information regarding this
potential event and our community.


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