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Re: Meetup proposal during Debian Ruby Sprint in Paris

Dear Julien,

On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 11:35:53AM +0100, Julien 'Lta' BALLET wrote:
> [..]
> We've recently discovered with joy and pride that some (most/all?) of
> the Ruby Debian developpers would be hacking in Paris during January.
> We would really enjoy organizing a special meetup event around debian
> and ruby if some of the awesome debian's ruby developpers had some
> time to give a few talks and/or answer questions from the community.
> We've been consulting the community for questions or interests about
> specific debian-ruby talks and we had some great feedback and ideas i
> would be very happy to share with you.

> If you find a few free hours to share with us, please let me know and
> i will take care of all the arrangements (meetup announce, location,
> etc.) In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions, i would be
> pleased to provide you with any piece of information regarding this
> potential event and our community.

Thank you for your message. Some of us (at leat 4) will indeed gather in
January 15-17, just before the Paris MiniDebConf. We would be very happy
to exchange and discuss with the Paris Ruby community.

We would prefer to meet with you the first evening of our stay, so that
we have time to take into account the result of our discussion, but
other days would be fine too.

We are not sure we will have time to prepare a proper presentation. But
if you have ready a list of questions/remarks, please send it to us, and
we could make a short presentation of our goals for the next Debian
release, and answer some of those questions/comments, then we would have
an open discussion. What do you think?

Best regards,


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