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Re: RFS: ohai gem2deb transition

]] Antonio Terceiro 

> Nice! I am willing to help with this, do you want to comaintain it
> inside the Ruby team?

Sure, that'd work fine for me.

I need to make sure it works well on various Ubuntu versions and squeeze
too, but that should be doable-ish.

> I though about first asking the Opscode people, or to look at their
> Debian package sources, to see whether we can minimize our effort to get
> newest chef* packages on sid.

Yeah, I'm basing my work off their packages, but for some of those we're
already in a bit of a mess, since there's the opscode-packages repo
which contains the debian/ dir for some of the packages uploaded to
Debian, and there's the svn stuff in pkg-ruby-extras.  In addition,
there's obviously the stuff from upstream too.

I'm tempted to just drop the git/svn history and import the sources and
work from that.  At least with a pointer to older history, not that much
is lost and it's more important to spend manpower on fixing the current
packages than looking back, IMO.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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