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Re: Introducting gem2deb

Lucas Nussbaum dijo [Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 05:05:07PM +0100]:
> Well, the part of setup.rb that we are interested in is rather small.
> And setup.rb has lots of things that we don't need, like hook support,
> and support for ancient versions of Ruby.
> Also, there are some things that we surely want to do differently, like
> the ability to install in vendor_ruby for libs to be shared between ruby
> implementations.
> So it sounds easier to re-implement it, copy/pasting the parts of
> setup.rb that we need. (I originally planned to hack setup.rb as you
> suggested, but it's quite a big and crufty script.)

Ok, in that case, I think it would be a worthy goal to repackage all
of our trivial packages using your tool - So we can possibly even
remove libsetup-ruby!

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