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Re: Introducting gem2deb

On 09/01/11 at 12:56 -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> Don't you think that we could make dh_ruby use setup.rb itself instead
> of reimplementing all its features? Even if we had to make some changes
> to setup.rb to make it fit better, it would be easier to get all it's
> features that way.

Well, the part of setup.rb that we are interested in is rather small.
And setup.rb has lots of things that we don't need, like hook support,
and support for ancient versions of Ruby.

Also, there are some things that we surely want to do differently, like
the ability to install in vendor_ruby for libs to be shared between ruby

So it sounds easier to re-implement it, copy/pasting the parts of
setup.rb that we need. (I originally planned to hack setup.rb as you
suggested, but it's quite a big and crufty script.)

- Lucas

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