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Re: Erich Schubert: SELinux support is a release goal for etch

* martin f krafft (madduck@debian.org) [060604 11:54]:
> I know from discussions with Manoj that it's basically just three
> or four people working on it. While I am very interested in SELinux
> and use it myself (but don't have much time available either,
> unfortunately), I think it's *much* more important that we do meet
> our release schedule and I'd thus rather see this release goal
> dropped than our release delayed.

And that's the reason why it is a release goal and not a release
blocker. Citing from the most recent mail to d-d-a:
| After some discussion, we've decided to clarify the handling of "pet
| release goals".  The set of "release blockers" established last year
| remains the same; these issues are bugs of RC severity and covered under
| the 0-day RC NMU policy. In addition we are extending the 0-day NMU
| policy to cover certain endorsed "release goals" even when the bugs are
| not release-critical but of severity important.
| Please note that an issue appearing on this list does not mean the
| release team takes responsibility for meeting these goals (though of
| course we would like to see them met :).  It is the task of the
| individual interested parties to make that happen.

In other words: Nothing on this list is important enough to hold up the
release. Holding up the release can only happen for release *blockers*
(that's why they are blockers after all). Perhaps "release goal" is not
the best name, but it is better than "pet release goal", especially if
it comes to real companies which are interessted to drive one of them
further with their man power (with the full understanding that we are
not going to wait for them, but that they have our full support).


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