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Re: Help me with tracker.debian.org

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 11:10:59PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> I've prepared some things to be added to the TODO file, based on the
> capabilities of PTS and various things I noticed while auditing the
> PTS and tracker code and templates. I'm happy to help work on some of
> them as I find time to do so.
> Output:
> …
> problems - co-maintainers suggestion for no uploaders && priority
> standard/required/important

This is actually a problem in both PTS/tracker.  The root cause is the
Sources file doesn't always provide accurate information (#626394).

In order to properly determine the priority of a source package, one
would need to find the "highest" priority among, in order of increasing
reliability but also, I think, increasing changes to tracker code:

- source package's Priority field.  This is what's currently used, but
  under specific conditions it reports "source" instead.
- source package's Package-List field.  This field may not be present
  and may not list all binary packages when it is present.
- binary package's Priority field.  This requires mapping all the binary
  packages back to the source package and then determining the highest
  priority among them.  Ideally, this is what dak would do when
  generating the Sources file, since it should have all the necessary
  information then.

> opensearchdescription

Isn't this done now?

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