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Re: UDD hint wanted: Who has closed a certain bug

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Hi Andreas, 

> Does UDD provide some information about who closed a bug? 

The 'done', 'done_name' and 'done_email' columns of the bugs and 
archived_bugs tables are populated from the automatically generated email 
that closed the bugs -- that email claims to come from the person who is in 
the Changed-By field of the changes file.

So how about:

    SELECT done, count(id) AS num_closed 
    FROM archived_bugs 
    WHERE last_modified > '2011-01-01'
    GROUP BY done 
    ORDER BY num_closed DESC;

You would want to repeat for the 'bugs' table too as there are around 8000 
unarchived but 'done' bugs there (UNION if you want, excluding unfixed 
bugs). Aggregating different email addresses that correspond to the same 
person is more fun for you.

Note that this isn't necessarily only bugs fixed by uploads as emailing 
nnnnnn-done would also add an entry. I'm not sure what you're really looking 
for here and whether this is sufficient for your needs.

The use of last_modified here is suboptimal. There may be a small amount of 
fuzziness around the edges where someone emailed a bug to comment or thank 
the maintainer etc even after the bug was 'done'. There's quite a nice 
done_date timestamp in the UDD tables but for some reason it is universally 
set to 1970-01-01, which is less than helpful. Working out why that's not 
set properly is a problem for another day...


- -- 
Stuart Prescott                 www.nanoNANOnano.net

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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