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Re: Officially drop Linux 2.0 support? (was Some /usr/doc NMUs coming up)

Previously Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> If the general sentiment is what I think it is, then I agree: LAY IT TO REST
> ALREADY. Linux 2.0 and 2.2 are both obsolete. There's very, very little sense
> in keeping either around. I can imagine some people screaming bloody murder if
> support for 2.2 was removed, but 2.0 has _got_ to go.

I seriously object to this. There are very good reasons for using 2.2, and I
certainly wouldn't put 2.4 on any critical server unless I really needed its
features. The 2.2 kernel series has received *lots* more testing then 2.4 has,
and people still discover nasty problems including all kinds of disk corruption
in 2.4.

2.0 has been even more tested then 2.2, and until recently had a much more stable
VM as well. There is definitely nothing wrong with still using it, although
you have to take into account that security problems might no longer be fixed in
for 2.0.

Having said that, I don't have a problem with removing 2.0 support packages
from woody/sid, since people that need them can still get them from potato
or older Debian releases.


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