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Re: Webpage to track py2removal bugs & packages

On 2019-09-02 12:21, Sandro Tosi wrote:
On Sun, Sep 1, 2019 at 9:54 PM Drew Parsons <dparsons@debian.org> wrote:
Yes, your script counts the dependencies along one direction (rdeps),
identifying which packages are ready to be de-python2-ised next.

I'm talking about dependencies in the opposite direction, deps not
rdeps.  Upstream vs downstream.

My question is, of the 844 packages now currently on rdeps=0 and ready
for processing, which one should be processed first?  Which one will
free up the largest number of upstream packages?  Which one gives the
biggest bang for buck?

gothca, i hope.

I've added the number of forward dependencies in the last update to
the webpage; it's not super-accurate (f.e. python dep is counted
twice, due to the nature of how it's produced, > 2.7 < 2.8) but it
should give a general idea of what you asked for

Looks great, is plenty enough accurate for the task. It tells us it's more important to process live-task-standard than python-gnatpython-doc.

Within a given rdeps count it currently has secondary sorting made on Bug No. It would polish off the forward deps if they could be used for secondary sorting instead (highest number to lowest). Bonus points for making the headers clickable so the reader can choose which secondary sorting is most useful (Bug No. vs Binary Pkg vs Maintainer vs # deps)


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