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Re: Moving off of git-dpm (Re: git-dpm breakage src:faker)

Scott Kitterman <debian@kitterman.com> writes:

> We know in the DPMT context what debcheckout will produce, so for our purposes they don't matter.
> How does dgit avoid maintainer forgot to push problems without being limited to the granularity of one commit per upload?

When you upload a package, you upload the *.debs and push to git a the
same time. With the one dgit command that checks everything is
consistant, and tags things appropriately. I not sure of the exact
details of how the push is done yet.

I think dgit would really help with the problem I occasionally get: Does
this git source really correspond with the package that was
uploaded. Mistakes can happen in git that can result in you looking at
one git version that is very different to what was uploaded. Yes, this
does happen.

Mostly however, I think the prime benefit of using dgit would be that it
helps other non-team members maintain the package - as does happen from
time to time in the form on NMUs. We can help these people by sticking
to a standard that others can use.

It would not directly help DPMT workflow, as that mostly remains as
is. Hence my first priority would be to change to GBP PQ for work flow,
and then worry about dgit after I have had a chance to play with dgit a
bit more.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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