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Re: I've been removed from the Python team

On sam. 03 oct. 2015 à 16:15:53, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> [Pierre-Elliott Bécue, 2015-10-03]
> > Yes, do-it-o-craty is good, at some point, but this is exactly what brought
> > Thomas out. So nope, it's not enough.
> and if I didn't do it, it would be better because...
> It's easy to point fingers if it's not you who cleans after each mess.

You didn't get my point. As previously said, I heard and understood your
answer, I'm not trying to going back on what I said. But this new argument
about doitocraty VS. democracy is something interesting to discuss about.

I was meaning that Thomas probably acted as a doitocraty recommends to, and
that's what led to this situation, with him out of the team.

I beleive there is a need to create some democratic processes in a team,
that's all.

> /me (AKA dictator who'd love to give all his powers to someone else) who
> still stands by his decision and would do it again.
> The only regret is that I didn't do it a year ago.

I'm not able to judge on this, as I'm not aware of all the stories, neither
do I have enough experience.


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