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Re: Python plans for Jessie?

On May 05, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Luca Falavigna wrote:

>python2.6 removal
>Unfortunately, python2.6 has been released with Wheezy as supported
>version. I think we all agree it should be removed as soon as possible
>to avoid maintaining a Python major version which is no longer
>supported upstream. I think this could be done quite soon from now
>(Release Team should have the final say, as they will probably face a
>storm of new transitions in the next few days). I volunteer to drive
>the removal of python2.6 from the archive.

+1.  I can help merge Ubuntu deltas related to the 2.6->2.7 transition back
into Debian.

As Piotr also mentions later, +1 for removing Python 3.2.

>python-central removal
>python-central has been deprecated in favour of dh_python2, bugs have
>been filed already [0] suggesting to migrate to dh_python2, and only a
>few packages are still (build-)depending on it. I think it's for our
>own sake we should get rid of python-central in time for Jessie, and
>we should focus on provide patches/uploads to speed up the migration.
>An UDD script is in place [1] to track the packages still to be
>migrated. I plan to provide some NMUs quite early for Jessie to tackle
>this goal, but I'd appreciate a coordinated effort to proceed faster.

Hearty +1 for removing python-central.  Again, I think we may have Ubuntu
deltas for this already and I can help getting those merged back into Debian.

>Plans for python-support
>Although python-support has been deprecated by its maintainers, it's
>still used by a large portion of Python packages in Debian [1], and
>some maintainers still prefer it to dh_python2. I don't think there
>are chances to get rid of python-support in time for Jessie, but what
>we could do now is to discuss about plans to converge towards
>dh_python2, smoothing out the rough edges that are found along the

I think we should actively encourage a transition to dh_python2.  If
maintainers don't want to transition, that is their right.  Others may be
resistant just because of the work involved.  In those cases, again I think we
may have Ubuntu deltas that can help, and I'd be willing to pitch in with
patches for other cases.

Of the packages that are still using py-support, do we know which ones are
still using it because of maintainer preference vs. inertia?  Any suggestions
on how we might reach out to maintainers and track that?

One thought: make sure there's a bug on each package for its transition to
dh_python2 (from both py-central and py-support).  For maintainers that
actively don't want to transition from py-support, mark the bug Won't Fix and
capture that in python_helpers.cgi.

A few other things:

* For those packages which have upstream support for Python 3, let's work on
  getting that into Debian where missing.

* Let's encourage enabling the running of unittests during package build, and
  the adding of DEP 8 autopkgtests.

* What's the current status of pybuild and what should we do to adopt it over
  and above general dh_python2/3 adoption?

* Python 3.4 beta 1 is currently scheduled for November 23, 2013.  What should
  our plans be related to 3.4?  My current thinking is that we could support
  3.4 but not make it the default.

* Is there anything we can or should do w.r.t. helpers for non-distutils based


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