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Re: Build-time testing

On Feb 23, 2011, at 06:54 PM, Bernd Zeimetz wrote:

>On 02/22/2011 05:54 PM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 11:17:47AM -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>>>> It would be nice if dh auto-detected a setup.py (and/or missing Makefile)
>>>>> and didn't run 'make test' in that case, so that the
>>>>> override_dh_auto_test wasn't necessary.  Yah, I should create a bug and
>>>>> patch for that.
>>>> I don;t think it would be a good idea to enable this as default due to
>>>> the fun part of setuptools which starts to download random eggs from the
>>>> internet when they're not available. My guess would eb that a lot of
>>>> packages would miss that and we'd run into failures on the buildds.
>>> Won't it only do that if the package isn't already installed?
>> Yes, it won't use the network if the required packages are found.
>Exactly thats the problem - people will miss that. If an automatic test execution is being implemented it should ensure that no network is being used for tests. Otherwise I'm all for automatic testing :)

One sure-fire way (well, what my limited testing reveals) to prevent
downloading of packages named in setup.py's install_requires but not in
d/control's Depends is to add this to setup.cfg:

allow_hosts: www.example.com

I'm not saying it's a *good* way, but it does block downloads.  I would have
expected this to work too:

no_deps: true

but it doesn't. (nor does any value for no_deps afaict).

I'll try to remember to bring this up at Pycon and talk with Tarek and others
about how best downstream packagers can specify "do not ever download
*_requires packages".


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