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Re: Build-time testing

On Feb 22, 2011, at 03:51 PM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

>In many cases $PYTHON setup.py test (for all supported $PYTHON's) is
>enough to run the tests and any errors mean that something is wrong with
>the environment (provided the tests are correct).
>Shouldn't we have some written recommendations (or even policy) on this

Probably so.  Here's what I use in my flufl packages.  Maybe there's a better
way, but it works and runs the tests against all available Python2
interpreters.  (I need to enable Python3 at some point.)

-----snip snip-----
#!/usr/bin/make -f

PYTHON2=$(shell pyversions -vr)

	dh $@ --with python2, --buildsystem python_distutils

	python$* setup.py test -vv

override_dh_auto_test: $(PYTHON2:%=test-python%)
-----snip snip-----

It would be nice if dh auto-detected a setup.py (and/or missing Makefile) and
didn't run 'make test' in that case, so that the override_dh_auto_test wasn't
necessary.  Yah, I should create a bug and patch for that.


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