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Testing Python modules (was Re: Numpy API change?)

On Jul 27, 2010, at 05:56 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Jul 2010, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> In my copious spare time <wink>, I'm working on code, documentation,
>> and infrastructure to make this the preferred way of testing Python
>> modules and applications.  You don't *have* to conform, but we'll
>> put out big carrots for you if you do.
>do you have somewhere any documentation available on this
>infrastructure so we could point upstreams to follow?

I don't at the moment, but I really need to put such a wiki page together.
It's just gotten pushed down on the stack. :(

>are you recommending nose as the testing framework? what internal
>organization of the modules to support it do you recommend... i.e.  in a few
>modules I saw (and we somewhat adopted in our projects) having

I'm currently in favor of unittest2, but nose has some nice features.  When
unit2's plugin architecture is done, I think that'll probably be the way I
want to go.

>project/data     -- minimalistic data sets (if) necessary for
>testing/examples project/testing  -- tools
>project/tests    -- actual unittests which rely on project.testing

It's an open question, and I know there are a million different ways people
structure their tests!  I generally have project/testing for support code,
project/testing/data for test data sets, project/tests for unittests and
project/docs for doctests.

>alternative strategy is to take advantage of nose discovery allows
>to keep unittests closer to respective code, so /tests is not needed
>any longer...

True.  I like separating my tests into submodules, and I don't personally like
in-docstring doctests, so I'm biased toward those decisions.


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