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Hello All,

As part of my paid Job I am working on Karrage, and open source Django
based application application for management of users and resources on
shared cluster systems.


As this is an open source GPL program (yes, management have already
agreed to this), long term I would like to see this included in
Debian. Short term however, there are a number of technical issues
that need resolving. For example, dependencies on external libraries
that are not yet in Debian.

On issue that has been nagging us - what is the best way to handle
python based config files? e.g. the settings.py file that is standard
for Django applications?

At present our (planned but not implemented) approach is to have our
python dist-utils script create a directory karaage/conf under the
python path, and then karaage can import then using "import
karaage.conf.settings" for example. Use of dist-utils and cdbs makes
the debian/rules file very simple.

However, from the point of view of the package, it would be better if
we could put the config files under /etc/karaage.

Just wondering if this situation has been encountered before? If so,
would rather use an existing solution rather then invent my own.
Ideally any solution should be similar to what you would get by
installing directly from source and RPMs too.

Also: Is there any Debian specific concerns I should be aware of when
packaging Django applications?

Please CC me, I am not subscribed (not yet anyway).

Brian May <brian@microcomaustralia.com.au>

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