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Re: VCS for Python code Was: Trac team almost dead?

On Tuesday 01,September,2009 09:16 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> Recently I have discovered some very nice features of hg that make it
> attractive:
> 1) Multiple branches such that debian/ can be kept on alioth and have
> working copy that has everything if maintainer prefers so
> 2) MercurialQueues plugin allows to keep versioned quilt patches,
> rebase, merge and split them. Keep their history in a seperate branch
> and always upto date series file.
> This 2 features are very neat that imho bzr and git are lacking. (well
> bzr will have stable support for nested trees soon can be simulated
> with checkouts now and git has tg2quilt)

Git has #1, by the way, if I'm understanding you correctly. Which means both
said features are present in Git at the very least. Also, Git does seem like a
more popular option than Mercurial, so I think going Git would be a better
choice, or many of us and potential newcomers would have to learn a new tool
which they may potentially disagree with.

In my case, the more I read about Mercurial, the more I dislike it, but that's a
different matter.

Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin

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