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Re: Removing 4suite from Woody [Re: Please test new 4suite]

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 07:10:08AM -0600, Uche Ogbuji wrote:
| Debian newbie question, here.  How does the progression of packages go
| within stable?  Once 0.12.0 emerges, can the sources pick it up, or is
| it pretty much locked out of stable for all time?

stable packages don't progress, apart from security patches.  ATM
"stable" is called "potato" and is version 2.2(r6).  "woody" is
presently "testing", and can still have packages updated.  When it is
released as "stable", the contents of it won't change (it is stable!).
"sid" (aka "unstable") is where all new uploads go to.  If the
packaged is found to be not-royally-hosed it can make its way into
"testing", and eventually be released as "stable".



Windows, hmmm, does it come with a GUI interface that works or just
pretty blue screens?

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