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Re: Using i18n frameworks for a common workflow

Dear all

El 07/10/15 a las 21:34, martin f krafft escribió:
> also sprach Laura Arjona Reina <larjona@larjona.net> [2015-10-07 17:38 +0200]:
>> Main concern: I think where we get stuck is not much at
>> 'translations' (writing the proper tweet or dpn paragraph or blog
>> post) but on generating what would be the "source" (curating the
>> IDEAS or incoming and adding the metadata). Maybe I'm talking from
>> my point of view (my own limitations).
> I have considered this angle, and all I can say is that I think
> it'll solve itself. As soon as we have a team that can easily push
> out news items into appropriate channels, then
>   (a) not only will I (and others among us) feel motivated to enter
>       all sorts of ideas into the queue (we'll need a rate limiter
>       for Paul Wise! ;\) ), but
>   (b) we'll also be able to offer to the entire project a single
>       point of contact where to drop story ideas.
> I think the main point at the moment why (b) is not really happening
> and (a) is only happening rarely is because submission currently
> kinda requires pushing things to the end, or it won't happen. Having
> a workflow for this will probably make the process more reliable,
> and once it's working (supply), then stories will come (demand).
Ok, I'm experimenting a bit with this.
What I have done, until now:

1.- In the IDEAS file (dpn git repo)
* I'm adding [ITT](larjona) for the items I plan to handle (curate, and
write drafts).
* I'm adding [DRAFT](larjona) for the items I already have a draft (but
may need further work or comments from the team)
* I'm adding [RFR](larjona) for the items that have draft and I think is
ready for publishing (ACK from other team members would trigger posting,
or moving the text to the actual DPN/Bits, etc).
* I've added [DONE-*] for the items already finished (published).
* Note that this file is, for now, in dpn repo, but it's intended to be
the queue for dpn, microblog, and bits articles.

2.- I've added a "drafts" folder (in dpn repo) with the drafts
referenced in IDEAS file, plus a template for people to create new
drafts in an easy way.
* Note that this folder is, for now, in dpn repo but it's intended to
host the drafts for dpn, microblog, and bits articles.

3.- I'm not sure about how to trigger the human peer-review for [RFR]'ed
items. Translation teams use to send a mail with subject "[RFR] topic"
and attach or link to the files that need review. We also have the IRC
channel, and a crafted commit message could also do the trick (or even
working with git branches). For now, I'll send a (manual) RFR mail to
the list + IRC message.

4.- I've done NOTHING about automation/scripting, only taking into
account what spigot posts automatically already. I'm not a coder, so I'm
faster doing manual work than trying to automate things. And maybe it's
early for automate things (workflow not set yet).

5.- I'm trying to adapt my anarchic commit style (what to commit, commit
messages) so they become something understandable/workable from a
workflow perspective, bare with me meanwhile I'm finding the way.

Any comment is welcome.

You can join me trying this, but you don't need to follow this
new-inmature-workflow if you don't feel comfortable. IRC for dents, the
DPN index.wml file, and the bits drafts are still there to use :)


Laura Arjona

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