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Re: [DONE] wml://News/weekly/2011/14/index.wml

Jeremiah C. Foster wrote:
> Justin B Rye wrote:
>> David Prévot wrote:
>>> Thanks to both of you. Justin, I don't know why your commits don't
>>> end up on [Publicity-commits], but if there is anything you could
>>> do on your side, even to help debugging, it would be welcome.
>> I hadn't been aware that they weren't.  Contributing to the DPN is the
>> only thing I do that goes through a version control system, so it's
>> possible I've got something misconfigured.  All I know about it is
>> that the following cargo-cult incantation seems to work from my side:
>> svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/publicity/dpn/en/current
>> cd current
>> w3m -T text/html index.wml # and invoke an editor
>> svn update # and if there are conflicts, give up
>> svn -m "COMMENT" commit index.wml
> Do you ever do a check in?
> $ svn ci 
> Then your changes will get committed back to the server.

No, never; I just follow the above procedure copied from
http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/HowToContribute.  There's nothing
in svn(1), but http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn-book.html seems
to say that "ci" is simply an alias for "commit", so I doubt this is
the explanation.
JBR - and today's single word in West Greenlandic is:
Atuakkiurtunngurtussaavutit "You should become a writer"

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