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Re: Improving Debian's marketing

James Duncan wrote:
> a) Debian did have a press archive at
> http://www.debian.org/News/press/.  This has not been updated since
> 2005.  The problem with this is that the project does not have a
> central overview of how it is viewed in the media, and thus it is
> difficult to come up with a sane media strategy at first.  A simple
> selection of major RSS feeds with the appropriate word filters will
> produce a rough list, and it can then be filtered down to a
> representative sample.  I'm happy to handle this if people think this
> is useful.  One thing to note is that this will also include negative
> press by default - normally I'd suggest a private summary (maybe
> through debian-publicity) that included these, and a public press
> showcase with only the positive pieces.  Where do other people stand
> on this?

I generally use LWN to keep up with what press is saying about Debian. I
wasn't aware of News/press and it seems fairly useless as is (not being
updated). There are several sites that collect debian-related news; you
can find them aggregated on the front page of wiki.debian.org.

> b) The Debian website.  At the moment, it seems somewhat developer
> focused.

Unfortunatly I've seen many attempts to improve the Debian website fail,
mostly because both the design and implementation (as well as some of
the preceived requirements etc) for the website seems very resistant to
sweeping change. I've personally moved on to doing everything on the
wiki and see www.debian.org as a useless appendage that the project will
continue carrying around for a while but that's a dead end as it stands
now. I'd advise against tilting at that windmill. 

> * To download Debian, probably by getting an ISO unless jigdo is made
> *really* simple for them.
> * To see about the features that Debian offers.
> * To look for sources of help from the Debian community.

IMHO a getdebian.org site that was focused at providing these would be
one effective way to accomplish this. 

> c) Debian Weekly News: In my opinion, Debian need to *generate* news
> for people to write about.

I agree and you have some good ideas, however, DWN has always been
mostly targeted at helping the Debian project communicate with itself,
so I think another forum might be better for the kind of thing you're

see shy jo

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