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Re: latest version of Debian LJ ad is ready

Fredrik Ax wrote:
> > http://lyrical.cland.net/~wlashell/debianad23.jpg
> The one with textured background is not good for printing.
Why? Look at some of the ads in LJ. they use CMYK and the quality
of the print is quite high (by lay standards. I know professionals
have different criteria).

> "Do you want an easy to install 
>  and use, highly upgradable 
>  Linux distribution?  Visit 
>    http://www.debian.org/
>  for your one-stop solution
>  to secure and stable Linux 
>  workstations and servers.
>   Debian - Get it today!"
I find the first part a bit choppy.
Also, having the 'http://www.debian.org/' in a different
font and color breaks up the 2 halves of the text
so both pieces of text should stand on their own. How about:
   Do you want an easy to install,
   easy to use, highly upgradable 
   Linux distribution? 
   Your one-stop solution
   to secure and stable Linux 
   workstations and servers.
    Debian - Get it today!"

A number of people feel we should use a positive approach only in the
ad. So here's some modified text for the box
  The Debian GNU/Linux distribution has
  several features that set it apart from
  everyone else.
    o nearly 2000 precompiled packages
    o full glibc (libc6) distribution, with
      backwards compatibility for legacy applications
    o dpkg, Debian's tried and true package manager.
      With dpkg you'll never have to reinstall again.
      With dpkg everything is upgradable - in place.
  As always, Debian comes with the Software you need
    o latest Linux kernel; gcc and egcs
    o Most recent version of XFree86, Apache web server,
      GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

BTW, in RH's ads they use 'The most stable, most advanced operating
system'. Bah, that would have to be us.

> point out that the features and stability made it "space shuttle
> software". That's something not many OS:es could brag about.
What about a bullet like:
  o Powerful enough to run experiments on the space shuttle
in the feature section?

Jay Treacy

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