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Re: debian-boston-soc

Sam Hartman wrote:
Apologies for the debian-boston-soc mailing list going away.  I changed
infrastructure a couple of years ago and it made it a bit more difficult
to host mailing lists.
I'd be happy if someone else wanted to run a Debian Boston mailing list,
and I'd be willing to make the effort to bring the list back if people
would use it.
It didn't get a lot of traffic.


I have a list server (sympa) that's readily available to host a list - if there's interest. Were there many folks on the list when it was shut down? Would it make sense to post to debian-users and/or debian-devel to assess interest?

Miles Fidelman

p.s. I should add the caveat that, in a couple of years, I may no longer be a Debian user, depending on the outcome of the systemd battles - though happy to continue to support a list (I still support a list for Boston Latin parents - even though my daughter is long graduated).

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