Re: Debian Logo Use
(CC'ed since I'm not sure if you are a list subscriber)
On 04/14/2008 06:20 PM, Will Kaiser wrote:
My name is Will and I am working on a project aimed to help promote
Debian on the desktop. We've been pretty quiet about the project, so our
presence isn't really known on the internet yet. We will probably fly
under the radar until later this year. Even then, who really knows. Our
target go live at this point is 6/2008, but we may go sooner based on
the outcome of some final testing.
The reason I am contacting you is that I need to decide between two
names, and two logos. One set of name/logo are mine. The other set are
yours. If I were to go the latter route, I would be using the Debian
swirl for the logo and the word "debi" in the name. I won't do either of
those without the blessing of the Debian project and am willing to
modify my project plans to an extent if you think we can negotiate. You
may be asking "why not just use your own name/logo?". Well, this really
isn't a true "distribution". It's just a slightly customized Debian
install and we want people to know that.
Why reinvent the wheel?
The main project goals are:
1) Provide a free installable live cd of Debian Lenny/Sid
Have you considered joining the Debian Live project?
2) Provide an immediately usable copy of Debian with some of the more
daunting post-install tasks done already
3) Provide a means to demo Debian as a viable Desktop Linux alternative
4) Give users that would otherwise choose a derivative (like Ubuntu) a
good reason not to
5) Do all of this while staying as close to the Debian core and default
"desktop" installation as possible
All covered by the Debian Live project. ;)
For the most part, we just want learn about Linux and give back to the
Debian community, from which many others (including ourselves) have
The best way to contribute would be join an active project, I think.
taken from. The main reason I believe our project must be separate from
Debian is that you will probably not be an advocate of some of the
software I plan to include. While we plan on staying very close to the
core, we have only been successful with a non-debian live cd installer.
Does this not conflict with #5 above?
Our plans for use of the logo are within the logo/name image on our
website and for use as the replacement for the Gnome foot icon on the
Applications menu. Please let me know what types of restrictions we
might be facing and if there are any considerations we need to make on
our end.
Refer to the Debian logo licensing on the logos page:
Kind Regards,
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