Dear Debain,
To whom it may concern:
I am the President of ACM at Mississippi State University. I would like to invite someone from your company to do a presentation at MSU for ACM. The topic of the presentation would be up to the presenter, but we would be interested in any presentation on any of the following topics:
1. Linux Installation (one of the main barriers keeping people from using Linux)
2. Advanced Linux Operations
3. Programming in Linux
4. Networking Linux boxes
If no one from your company is available to do a presentation, I will probably do the presentation myself on Linux installation. However, more people would come if you have a representative from your company doing the presentation.
If I do the presentation myself, I would appreciate it if you could send some "Powered By Linux" stickers and Linux installation CDs.
Thank you.
James Wright
ACM President
P.O. Box 6991
MSU, MS 39762
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