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Re: Dear Debain,

also sprach JWright295@aol.com <JWright295@aol.com> [2002.07.29.2305 +0200]:
> I am the President of ACM at Mississippi State University. I would like to
> invite someone from your company to do a presentation at MSU for ACM. The topic
> of the presentation would be up to the presenter, but we would be interested in
> any presentation on any of the following topics:

Woohoo. Send someone *GOOD*! This is pretty wicked!

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"i wish there was a knob on the tv to turn up the intelligence.
 there's a knob called 'brightness', but it doesn't seem to work."
                                                          -- gallagher

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