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Questions regarding Debians future

To whom it may concern:

Now that OpenOffice has been released, do you plan to include
OpenOffice as part of your Debian package?

Also, I've recently taken an interest in the NSA's "SE Linux" and in
RTLinux.  Do the Debian developers plan to include any features --
particularly those from SE Linux -- in Debian?  I'm also curious
about other security features that may be implemented and the
possibility of doing so.  Could Debian integrate some of the security
features that are available by default in OpenBSD?  What I'm
wondering about basically is how Debian is affected by the US'
idiotic laws against encryption export, security, etc.

As a side-note, does Debian come with WindowMaker?  I've noticed on
your "packages list" several programs for WindowMaker, but haven't
actually noticed WindowMaker itself?

	David Heinrich
David J. Heinrich, heinrich@rochester.rr.com on 07/20/2002

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