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Re: PowerPC desktop -- asking for trouble?

Em Qui, 2005-01-13 às 22:00 +0100, Sven Luther escreveu:
> Notice that the free java projects have asked for more bug reports,
> mentionning that one of the things which is stopping them is that nobody seems
> to use them and file bug reports for them to fix them :
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/2005/01/msg00081.html
> you are most assuredly competent enough to help them out on this.

	Point taken, guilty as charged.

	BTW, which one of the free ones would you recommend?

> And no, i also don't know why they posted on the KDE list about this.

	Java and KDE just seem to go along well... they have less problems with
using proprietary stuff, and Konqueror doesn't need a plugin.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra <leandro@dutra.fastmail.fm>
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