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Kernel Strangeness, and Mouse Button emulation

Hi All.

	I recently installed Debian/Woody on this machine (Performa 6360, 136MB, Voodoo3 3000), and it's all working great, significantly better than YDL-2.2 in fact, but I have a couple things I can't quite figure out.

1) How do I emulate my middle and right mouse buttons?  in YDL middle and right were mapped to F11 and F12, respectively, and that setup was fine with me, so how do I do that?

2) I both recompiled the stock 2.2.20 kernel, and built a 2.4.18 kernel, using make-kpkg, and they both boot, and find the modules and devices fine, and everything else, but the keymap is screwed up so badly that it makes the system unuseable, any body have any ideas where I'm going wrong in the kernel config?



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