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keyboard under X

Hi folks,
I installed sid on my powerbook G3 (Lombard) with a kernel 2.4.18-powerpc (precompieled) with linux keycodes. I used the german keymap which came with sid, but i wasn't able to write braces,brackets, bar and all these keys. I've written a own keymap and everything works fine, on console. On X I've writte a Xmodmap file, but it won't work. All the keybindings for keys unmodified of with the shift modifier work fine, but all these with the alt modifier oder alt-shift modiferes won't work. I had the same problems on console, but there its possible to write a second line for the modifiers.
As an example:

keycode  16 = +q                +Q                at
--> won't work

keycode  16 = q        Q
   alt  keycode 16 = at
--> will work

is ist possible to write something like this in the xmodmap file oder another way for a german keyboard under x?


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