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Re: Kernel Strangeness, and Mouse Button emulation

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 05:26:28PM -0700, Shawn Dunn wrote:
> Hi All.
> 	I recently installed Debian/Woody on this machine (Performa 6360, 136MB, Voodoo3 3000), and it's all working great, significantly better than YDL-2.2 in fact, but I have a couple things I can't quite figure out.
> 1) How do I emulate my middle and right mouse buttons?  in YDL middle and right were mapped to F11 and F12, respectively, and that setup was fine with me, so how do I do that?


*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/installmanual>      |
|   debian-imac (potato): <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>   |
|            Chris Tillman        tillman@voicetrak.com          |
|                   May the Source be with you                   |

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