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Re: Booting GNU/Linux...

> > >
> > I'm still a little confused, because I'm new to the Mac world.
> > 
> > Shawn is right, with Cmd-Opt-O-F Performa 6360 not get you into OF.
> > 
> > If I use BootX, can I solve this problem? Does BootX need MacOS? I heard 
> > that some boot loaders need MacOS.      
> Yes, and yes. It's a MacOS app that launches Linux. With BootX, you
> start up in MacOS, then once it's set up you can launch into Linux at
> the first opportunity. So startups take a little longer, and you have
> to keep at least a minimal MacOS on your drive.
> The nvsetenv didn't help? Maybe try this one in addition:
> nvsetenv boot-file Linux
> This tells quik to load the 'Linux' label from the quik.conf, which 
> should be your installation.
Yes, BootX requires at least a minimal MacOS install, but the 6360 can still run System 7.5, which is freely downloadable from Apple's ftp site, and if you're careful, you can get a working install into less that 10MB of HD space, a fair tradeoff in my opinion, as BootX has never failed to work for me, which is alot more than I can say for yaboot, miboot, Quik, or LILO on the x86 machines.


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