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Re: specific to Hartmut Koptein

>>> RS-6000 <<<

> Okay, being the guy who *runs* sun4u.unicent.com, or what *was*
> sun4u.unicent.com, I can explain..
> My idiot employer doesn't know how to manage anything. Including
> domains. So unicent.com came up for renewal, NOBODY knew, and it was
> deleted. So sun4u.unicent.com is now mokole.nexbell.com
> Problem two; mokole is having some *SERIOUS* disk and cross-compile
> issues, these appear to be due to either a failing disk or controller.
> So the images are NOT there. I *am* working on it, but because of the
> fact that I"m going to be abandoning that sinking ship of a company, I'm
> not putting too much effort into it. They'll just vanish again. So in
> the meantime, I'd suggest cross-compiling yourself from an x86 pc..
> probably be easier, since I don't know when I'll have someplace to stick
> files again. :(

Could you send me your rs-6000 specific .config file, so i can see what is
different to my chrp?

IBM has some prep and some chrp machines, but which machine is now what?
Have ipm-{chrp,prep} OF, or can we boot only from the AIX side? Need these
machines always this mysterious package to use msdos formatted floppies ?



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