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Re: Bug#159114: acknowledged by developer (Patents can't cover software in .nl after all)

>>"Adrian" == Adrian Bunk <bunk@fs.tum.de> writes:

 Adrian> There remains the issue that _many_ Debian mirrors do mirror
 Adrian> non-US which means that the same issue might affect one or
 Adrian> more of them.

 Adrian> Please make a separate "patented" and don't misuse non-US for
 Adrian> this without checking the possible legal implications in
 Adrian> _all_ countries where servers mirror non-US first.

	This is a bogus argument, on several levels. Forstly,
 throughout the life of non-us, we have had the programs with patent
 encumbrances there. Secondly, when we had crypto in non-US, we did
 not create separate subparts, even though some countries had similar
 objections to a subset of crypto programs. And, lastly, (and this is
 the most important, and this alone justifies this action, even if I
 am horribly wrong on the first two counts) policy documents current
 practice; and what you have is current practice.

	I have forwarded this reply to the admin team for any action
 they see fit to take, and I am closing this policy report.

	Thanks for your continued interest in Debian.

 Consultant, n.: Someone you pay to take the watch off your wrist and
 tell you what time it is. (2) (For resume use) The working title of
 anyone who doesn't currently hold a job. Motto: Have Calculator, Will
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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