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Re: RFD: Essential packages, /, and /usr

On Sun, Jun 16, 2002 at 02:17:12PM -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:

> It's not superfluous: if it's up to the developer, then they can move a
> binary from one to the other with no warning or discussion.

Not if that binary has its location specified in the FHS, which most
of the ones we're discussing do.  The FHS says that sed goes in /bin,
so that's not an issue -- Branden can use sed instead of cut.  As for
"command -v", I don't see any advantages it has over "type".  Both
produce output that requires parsing if aliases or shell functions are
involved.  And "type" is a POSIX shell feature.

Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
xtifr@debian.org       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or xtifr@speakeasy.net |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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