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Re: Bug#143941: define a usable character set for description/maintainer name etc.

Previously Radovan Garabik wrote:
> still much better than current situation

No it is not: currently as you mention we have a mix of different
character sets used in a single file and no tool to handle that at all.
If a string is displayed correctly is more based on luck than anything
else and will certainly not be displayed correctly for the vast majority
of users. That is not a good situation.

> I won't repeat my arguments I explained then.
> Just the most relevant issue: for packages file (and similar),
> we have to choose if we use pure ASCII, or UTF-8. There is no other way,
> and it has been agreed that for woody we would not change anything

For woody ASCII is the only possibility. After woody we can look at
implementing utf8 and afterwards update policy.


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