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Re: [PROPOSAL] Full text of GPL must be included

>>"Thomas" == Thomas Bushnell, BSG <tb@becket.net> writes:

 Thomas> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:
 >> When the FSF starts playing by these rulkes, perhaps we shall
 >> have the basis of a discussion.

 Thomas> You seem to be regarding the FSF as the enemy here, and I think that's
 Thomas> unlikely to help.

	*Sigh*. No, the FSF is not the enemy. I think that my
 arguments point out, though, that a modicum of common sense would be
 most welcome in this frenzy of zealous and nitpicking attention to
 the fine print; and point out the these are impractical and
 unreasonable standards that even the FSF can not adhere to. 

 Thomas> The issue is about the downloading of advertised things, not
 Thomas> things like ftp:.../bin/ls or the like.  The question of
 Thomas> intent to distribute does matter.

	And I holds that Debian has no intent to distribute software
 without giving the users a copy of the GPL. You, on the other hand,
 are assiduously inventing scenarios where a user goes to
 exztraordinary lengths to sheild hersolf from any knowledge of the
 GPL while proceeding to download a part of the Debian offerings and
 thuus be in violation. 

	We distribute a distribution. We offer updates to the
 distribution. The distribution always contains the GPL. Updates may
 not, but then, the user already has the GPL when downloading the

 Thomas> The intent of Debian is to distribute not just a complete
 Thomas> system, but also individual packages.  (Consider security
 Thomas> alerts, which suggest that people download specific package
 Thomas> files.)

	These are obviously meant to be updates, just like the patch
 files that the FSF distributes. (I note that few diff.gz files
 actually contain the GPL).

 Thomas> The distribution of those packages requires the GPL
 Thomas> to be given along with the binaries, and in fact it isn't.
 Thomas> It isn't like we offer it and the user says "no, I've alread
 Thomas> got it", it just isn't there.

	Any Debian box already has the GPL.  Whetehr he gets an
 additional copy in the update is immaterial, really. May I invoke
 the deity of common-sense again? (I am sure my pantheon has a diety
 for common sense -- after all, we have 64million of them).

 Thomas> The FSF almost plays by that rule too: but you are quite
 Thomas> right that for patch files, and test binaries, and things
 Thomas> like that, bits of GPL'd binary or source are frequently
 Thomas> advertised in a way that's very parallel to the Debian
 Thomas> situation.  I asked RMS about that, and he decided that he
 Thomas> would need to ask the attorneys about it, because it is
 Thomas> indeed curious.  So we may not know more until they get back
 Thomas> to him.

	I still think this is moot. We already know that this is
 accepted practice, not only by Debina, but by the FSF. Has been for
 over a decade. It would take a lot to convince me that we had intent
 to distribute software without the licence, and that suddenly all
 this common practices are illegal.

 Felson's Law: To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal
 from many is research.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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