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Re: Debian conflicts with FHS on /usr/include/{linux,asm}

>>"Brian" == Brian Servis <servis@purdue.edu> writes:

 Brian> They do use uname to get the kernel version.  However they
 Brian> also check to make sure that the kernel headers in
 Brian> /usr/include/{linux,asm} match that version by looking at
 Brian> version.h.  If they don't then the install aborts.

        That does not make sense. I have 6 kernel images in LILO, and
 boot between them all the time. I also have 4 different kernel source
 trees. Why should there be a corelation between what version I am
 running, which sources I am looking at, and what version I am
 compiling the software for? 

 Brian> Why should a software package be expected to have an exception
 Brian> for Debian when the standards in FHS say that the current
 Brian> kernel headers should be in /usr/include/{linux,asm}?

        For correctness? 

 Brian> Any Joe User will expect the correct headers to be in place.
 Brian> Any user that is building unstable kernels will know better
 Brian> than to place the headers where they might cause problems.

        Methinks any software that is this complicated (read: brain
 dead) should not be the cup of tea for joe user.

 "In general, it's very hard to protect oneself against omnipotent
 beings." Barry Margolin (barmar@think.com) 9 Sep 89,
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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