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Re: weekly policy summary


        Thank you, Marcus, for remindig me of this. Yes, I think this
 is better than choosing one option or the other, for _other_ people.

        As far as I, personally, am concerned, our previous conclusion
 on this topic remains the final word -- I have seen nothing new come
 up in the recent discussion (please go and read the archives ;-).


>>"Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> writes:

 Marcus> It's not about hiding non-free software.

 Marcus> It's about having the _choice_. If I, as a user, am offended
 Marcus> by non-free software, I want to have the choice to switch
 Marcus> off, quite actively, all references to non-free. If I, as a
 Marcus> user, want to see them, I should be able to switch them on.

 Marcus> Currently, dselect will not respect my wish and show me all
 Marcus> references to non-free software regardless if I want to see
 Marcus> them or not.

 Marcus> Both suggestions that have been extracted from the very long
 Marcus> discussion make it possible to have a choice.

 Marcus> Not _we_ should make this decision. The user should. That's
 Marcus> what the proposals are about.

 To program is to be.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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