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Re: [Newbie] A few questions on using a Pilot with Linux

Dirk Eddelbuettel, in an immanent manifestation of deity, wrote:
>Thanks again for the emails last August when I was contemplating to buy a
>Visor. I especially appreciated the hints about the TRGpro I had not been
>aware of before. I finally caved in and bought a Visor 10 days ago and quite

BTW, in regards to the TRGPro, I just saw the following:
NextCell introduces the first Compact Flash CDPD device---PocketSpider

On another note, does anyone know how to unsubscribe myself once?  I
seem to get every e-mail on here twice...

<torin@daft.com><http://www.daft.com/~torin/> <torin@debian.org><perl@slut.org>
Darren Stalder/2608 Second Ave, @282/Seattle, WA 98121-1212/USA/+1-206-ELF-LIPZ
@		     Make a little hot-tub in your soul.		      @

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